Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Ladakh Final, Day 2 - Class Recap

The Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Washington D.C. Photo taken in 2011.

Hi everyone,

Today was a work day and grade review in class. I passed out a reading for the Ladakh final and students worked on that in preparation. Here's what happened in class today:

Learning Targets:
KN LT 6 - Location & Region
KN LT  11 - Human & Physical Systems
KN LT 16 - Culture
KN LT 18 - Structures of Power

Soundtrack: "A Dream" by Common. Selected because of the relevance to Martin Luther King Jr. Day, yesterday. I celebrated the day by going to see Selma and then picking up litter around my neighborhood. Lyrics here.

AGENDA 1/20/15:
News Brief – Nouri
Ladakh Final
Grade Check
Work Time

Homework: Read the blog. All missing/late/make up/incomplete work due to me TODAY (by midnight - email me if you need). Please read and take notes on the Ladakh reading handout to prepare for your final! Next news brief: Zac V.

News Brief: Nouri selected an article about this story for the news brief today: NBCNews.com - Paris Supermarket Attack Hero Lassana Bathily Receives French Citizenship. What an interesting and inspiring story! I wonder if it will be the subject of a future movie?

Zac V. was selected to do the next news brief.

Ladakh Final: The rest of class was devoted to work on the Ladakh reading that I passed out to help prepare students for the DBQ final.

On finals day (here is the schedule for finals this semester), you will write a short essay on the topics you need to demonstrate proficiency on. You will have a DBQ style test - your notes from the documentary and your notes from the Ladakh reading will help you prepare!

I know this may be somewhat complicated, so I am happy to answer any questions about how it is all going to work! Basically, I just want to give you one last chance to demonstrate proficiency with the learning targets of the semester.

Grade Check: As everyone was working, I had students come up to see me, one by one, to look at your grades and what could be done to maintain or improve them on the final. For the test, everyone will do at least LT 6, because we haven't actually had an assignment graded for it yet (although we have done a lot of work with geography):

Look at your grades again carefully (as we did together in class) to determine which (if any) learning targets aside from LT 6 that you should attempt to do on the final.

Work Time: The rest of class was work time on the reading and prep for the final (yes, you can use notes from class). Remember that you work in this class may be counted as a writing process score for Mr. Lathrop, if you want, as well!

See you on finals day! Good luck!

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