Thursday, January 15, 2015

Ladakh Final, Day 1 - Class Recap

With my friend Tyler, my mom, and my brother at the College Football National Championship Game, in Texas, on Monday!

Hi everyone,

It was SO good to be back teaching you all! We started looking at your final for the semester, which is sort of a "Choose Your Own Adventure" style piece of writing on the case study of the Ladakh. Here's what happened in class today:

Learning Targets:
Knowledge LT 18: I can explain how and why world societies organize themselves and how power is established and maintained.
Critical Thinking and Analysis LT 2: I can explain connections between events, issues, problems and concepts.

Soundtrack: "Pride (In The Name of Love)" by U2. Selected for today because the song is about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We have Monday off of school to honor Dr. King, and I showed this website in class to encourage students to do some sort of community service on Monday (as the day has increasingly been about). Lyrics here.

AGENDA 1/15/15:
News Brief – Bhavya
Start Ladakh Final

Homework: Read the blog. Check your updated grades and know what to do to improve! All missing/late/make up/incomplete work due to me by TUESDAY (1/20). Next news brief: Nouri.

News Brief: Bhavya selected an article about this story for the news brief today: - Satellite Images Show 'Catastrophic' Destruction Of Boko Haram Attack In Nigeria. Just an awful news story. We talked in class about the lack of attention this has received, especially in comparison to the (also awful) terrorist attacks in Paris, France.

I also shared my experience in the Dallas area at the start of the week, by going through a few pictures on my Instagram account.

Nouri was selected to do the next news brief.

Start Ladakh Final: I know this was an abrupt shift from learning about the Holocaust (which we will most likely get back to after finals next week). That said, this final offers students a ton of options for making up credit and being able to demonstrate a range of proficiency standards from throughout the year so far. This is basically how it works:

1) I passed out this document, which gave the different options for learning targets on the final. Everyone will do at least LT 6, because we haven't actually had an assignment graded for it yet (although we have done a lot of work with geography):

What's great about this is that it offers a LOT of choices for students. On finals day, you will select the targets you need to demonstrate and write a short essay about the Ladakh (like a DBQ) to try and get your grade up. It is also nice, because Mr. Lathrop is going to count it (if you want) as a Writing Process score - so all the brainstorming and prewriting you do will also count towards a grade in his class.

2) After I explain the assignment, we watched this documentary on the Ladakh culture in India. I remember watching this in high school, as well - it is OLD (1993). That said, it's a really great case study for our learning targets of geography, culture, and government, as they relate to traditional and modern society. Here's the documentary to watch, if you missed class or wanted to take more notes (or had difficulty paying attention in class):

Students took notes on all of the learning targets addressed in the final.

3) Next class, you will be doing some reading about the Ladakh and prepping for the DBQ. On finals day (here is the schedule for finals this semester), you will write a short essay on the topics you need to demonstrate proficiency on.

I know this may be somewhat complicated, so I am happy to answer any questions about how it is all going to work! Basically, I just want to give you one last chance to demonstrate proficiency with the learning targets of the semester.

See you next week, when we will continue preparing!

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