Tuesday, April 12, 2016

StEPP Class Recap

This weekend, I went to the Aviation Geek Fest in Seattle. I loved all of the flags hanging in the Future of Flight Museum, because it reminded me of Global Studies!

Hi everyone,

For most of you, I assume that today was a huge relief in that you turned in your Historical Investigation! We spent much of the class with your counselor, going over post high school options in attending a community college or four year college. Here's what we did today in class:

Learning Targets: 
Behavior LT 1: I can manage my responsibilities as a student.
Knowledge LT 21: I can explain how religious ideas impact the shaping of societies.
Critical Thinking LT 2: I can explain connections between events, issues, problems and concepts.

Soundtrack: "Step in the Name of Love" by R. Kelly. Selected for today because we were doing the "StEPP" activity with a counselor in our class, which is a graduation requirement. Lyrics here.

AGENDA 4/12/16:
News Brief - Lauren
Turn in Historical Investigation
StEPP with Ms. Nutters
Work Time

Homework: Read the blog! If you have not turned in your historical investigation, you need to do so ASAP so the F grade for the assignment will be taken away. Next news brief: Trevor.
News Brief: Lauren had the news brief today and selected an article about this story to talk about: NBCNews.com - Yellow Fever Moves to Congo. We found the Democratic Republic of the Congo in our world maps and talked about this tragic story for a bit. We also checked in about the weekend and what people were up to.

The next news brief was assigned to Trevor.

We also watched the one minute BBC World News update. Here's the link to see the latest one minute update, at any time of day (it will probably be different from what we watched in class):

Turn in Historical Investigation: The big day finally arrived and it was time to turn in your historical investigation research projects! I was in contact with a ton of students and parents about it, so I hope that there was a lot of productivity happening. I am excited to read the research projects! If you did not turn it in today, it will be an N grade in the gradebook (basically, an F) until you do. Once 100% of students have turned the assignment in, I said that I would show the class a music video that I made in high school with some friends. :-)

StEPP with Christine: Today, we had Christine (your counselor) come in and lead an activity with the class about college options. This involved doing a "philosophical chairs" (or Forced Choice) style debate. I thought that the class did a great job, and I was proud of you for remembering the debate format and working with Christine to work towards your career education credit for the year!

Work Time: At the end of class, after completing the exit ticket for Christine, we had a few minutes of work/free time. I am excited to start looking at religion next class with everyone! See you then!

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