Monday, April 4, 2016

Historical Investigation, Day 6 - Class Recap

Some students are researching the French Revolution for their Historical Investigation. Here is the French flag waving in Paris, in 2013.

Dear class,

Thank you for your continued hard work on the Historical Investigation. Only about a week left until it is all due! Here's what we did today in class:

Learning Targets: 
Knowledge LT 19: I can explain the impacts of nationalism and revolutionary movements.
Communication LT 1: I can communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing.
Research LT 1: I can effectively conduct and apply research.
Critical Thinking LT 2: I can explain connections between events, issues, problems and concepts.
Behavior LT1: I can manage my responsibilities as a student.

Soundtrack: "Won't Get Fooled Again" by The Who. Selected for today because last week was April Fools Day! I did not try to fool anyone in class. Lyrics here.

AGENDA 4/4/16:
News Brief - Daisy
Parts C and E
HI Questions?
Computer Lab N210

Homework: Read the blog! Historical Investigation rough draft due on Friday. Next news brief: Mindy.
News Brief: Daisy had the news brief today and selected this article about this story to talk about: - Migrant crisis: Greece starts deportations to Turkey. We found Greece on the world map and talked about what is going on with the geographic, economic, and political situation in Turkey and Greece, and why refugees are being sent back.

We also checked in about the weekend and April Fools Day.

We also watched the one minute BBC World News update. Here's the link to see the latest one minute update, at any time of day (it will probably be different from what we watched in class):

The next news brief was assigned to Mindy.

Parts C and E/HI Questions? I passed out a guide to help with Part E (an OPVL analysis of the sources you used in your Part B research)  It is page 5 on this document:

I explained that if you are not up to Part C (the conclusion, which is on page 4), you are behind schedule, but there is still time to make it up! Part B (all the research and finding good sources) is the most difficult part, for sure. Let me know if you are in need of help!

Computer Lab N210: The rest of class was devoted to working in the Computer Lab on the assignment, and I was happy to try and answer questions, as well as help as much as I could.

Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to help you be successful!


  1. iF YoU DO nOT hAvE pART A THEN r U BeHIND?

    1. yEs YOu ArE BeHiNd iF YoU DOnT HaVE pARt A

  2. Hey Mr.Fritz can you put the link to the library website I'm on my phone and it's not showing up on the side like how it does on the computer.

  3. Is HI Questions the same as Part E??

    1. No, that was a section of class dedicated for students to ask me questions about the historical investigation, before moving on.

  4. okay so i'm super pumped because i think i'm just about done with my paper and i'm pretty happy with how it turned out but i just have a few questions.1) so isn't there a page where we are supposed to write a paragraph about each cite we used? And if so do we just say how it was helpful for us? 2) how many body paragraphs do we need? 3)I really want a 4 for this paper any pointers that i can use to help me with that? 4)Sense we are turning in a rough draft will we ever do a final draft? I'm just worried you won't really like it and if we did a final i might be able to fix somethings. And also if i give it to you tomorrow could you look over it and give me some things to work on and then i fix them and then turn it in on the day it's due?

    1. Hi there,

      I'm glad you are feeling good! Answers:

      1) What you are referring to is the OPVL, which is Part E. Remember that the V in that is for value to you in answering the research question.

      2) You need a body paragraph for each source that you use, with a minimum of three quality sources.

      3) Read the rubrics on the assignment sheet for what a 4 looks like.

      4) You are not turning in a rough draft. You are bringing one to have peer reviewed on Friday, then making final revisions and changes to turn in your final draft at the start of class next Tuesday. I will be conferencing with every student on Friday, as rough drafts are being looked at, so we will talk then.

      Hope this helps! :-)


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