Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Period 2: Nonviolence and Gandhi, Day 8 - Class Recap

At my Lewis and Clark graduation on Sunday! From left to right, my dad, my brother, Mrs. DeFrance, me, my mom, my grandma, and my grandpa (my dad's parents). Fun times! It was a way too fast weekend! Time to finish out the end of the year!

Hello everyone!

Oh my goodness, we only have one more class together! This is all coming to an end really fast. I hope you enjoyed today's class - thanks for the attention, even with multiple things going on during the lesson. Please remember to finish out the year strong with the paper and any revisions that we asked you to do. Also, come see me or e-mail about any late work you may have to do! Let's go out on a high note!

Essential Questions: How does conflict arise and in what ways have various people responded? How did the concept of nonviolence develop and become implemented? - We looked at multiple angles of the answers to these questions today!

Soundtrack: "If You're Out There" by John Legend. Lyrics here. The verse that I especially wanted to highlight is:

If you're ready we can save the world
Believe again, it starts within
We don't have to wait for destiny
We should be the change that we want to see

Great song! :-)

AGENDA 6/9/09:
News Brief
Be the Change/Revisions
Letter to Self (Outside?)
Class Reflections

Homework: Finish any late work – REVISE your papers, if needed! Read the blog and ask questions!

Seriously, either Mrs. DeFrance or I would be happy to have you revise the paper - please make your best effort! If you have not given me a copy of your paper (at all), you definitely need to be e-mailing it to me ASAP. I hope everyone is clear on this. Thanks!

News Brief: I tried to make sure that this section was shortened today, as we had a lot of stuff to do today. One item that was mentioned in particular was: CNN.com - Colombia volcano erupts twice in less than a week.

Logan brought in this article to talk about for the news brief: CNN.com - A week later, Air France mystery deepens. You can see the picture of the tail of the aircraft in the water! Really crazy!

Sam, you are up for the last news brief of the year on Thursday. Any article about anything currently going on around the world outside the United States. Thanks!

Be the Change/Revisions: After the news brief, I wanted everyone to really be thinking about how they want to have a positive effect on the world. To get you thinking about this, I showed this video (one of the most popular on YouTube):

I then asked the class to write about how you want to be the change you wish to see in the world (a Gandhi quote). How are you going to leave a lasting positive impact? I then left you to be writing as Mrs. DeFrance and I checked in with everyone about the revisions we requested for your paper. This took much longer than we were anticipating, so I am sorry if you were finished with your positive life story and had nothing to do. Sometimes class just works out like that!

Letter to Self: For this portion of class, I handed back the letters that you wrote to yourselves from the beginning of the year as well as a reflection piece to do on them. I know that most of you did not have the time to finish this in class, so please read your paper over again and write out your reflections! We are really interested in what you have to say!

Class Reflections: We did not get to these because of the timing issues with the class, but I hope to have some sort of reflection on the year from you guys during next class - our last of the year! Ahh! So crazy!

Have a great night! I have a million things to do: grading, blog writing, football practice, more grading, lesson planning, dinner, and possibly (hopefully) sleep at some point. Thus, please do not be offended if I can't post your comment right away. I will promise to read and respond to everything that you send me though! Please keep working hard through the end of the year! :-)


  1. So do we or do we not have to do the reflection on the letter to self?

  2. Breanna,

    From the blog (I just posted this): "I know that most of you did not have the time to finish this in class, so please read your paper over again and write out your reflections! We are really interested in what you have to say!"

    Yes, we would like your reflections next class! They are very interesting for us to read, since we did not ever read your actual letters.

  3. Hey, Mr. Fritz, did you find the research paper? or do I send it to you again?

  4. Ismael,

    I have your paper - please come see me at lunch tomorrow to get it back with comments so that you can revise it for Thursday. Thanks for checking in!

  5. OK thanks, do i meet you in the class room? or the cluster? and i got second lunch tomorrow.

  6. Ismael,

    At the desk in the teacher's cluster is where I will be for the entire day after Period 1. I am glad that you have second lunch - it gives me more time to look over your paper! See you then.

  7. um so I'm going to take a long time doing all my homework so i wont get the revised paper to you by tonight so I'll just hope for the best tomorrow ...

  8. AH! I'm looking at my paper to make the corrections and on a lot of the citing i used a website, but Mrs. Defrance wrote that i need to write the authors last name and the page number. There's no pages and I can't find the author!!!!!!

  9. Diana,

    If I were you, I would be more worried about all of your other homework, let's just put it that way. I would love for you to revise your paper for tomorrow, but do not stress about it (in your case).


    Mrs. DeFrance and I also talked a lot about citing sources that do not have authors (or page numbers). What you need to do is use the first few words of the article title, in quotation marks. For instance ("Stephen is Cool") would be a good citation for an anonymous article titled "Stephen is Cool and a Good Student for Being on the Blog."

    Sound good?

  10. Question, so I am revising my paper and there is a part where you wrote "this does not need to be a block qoute." What does that mean?

  11. Ariel,

    That means that either your quote is too small to be centered and single spaced (you do that on three to four sentence quotes), or that there is not enough information that directly relates to answering your research question, and thus, needs to be shortened down.

  12. hello mr. fritz! um, i have a question. for our letter to self reflection do we have to type it or can we hand write it?

  13. Brian,

    Hand writing it would be just fine. Thanks for the question!

  14. Hey, Mr. Fritz, do i say for the ending: "Populations in the past have effected us, present problems of over population need to be solved and we need to think of our future and descendants. Is that good to end the speech?

  15. Ismael,

    That is getting there, but I think you need to mention a little bit about HOW the past populations have affected the present day. Make sure to make it all relate to your research question!

  16. okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, soooo tierd!!!

  17. Populations in the past have effected us since the industrial revolution started about a century and a half ago (National geographic Human Impact), present problems of over population need to be solved and we need to think of our future and descendants. is that better? or a bit more?

  18. Ismael,

    It still leaves me with other questions, like how the Industrial Revolution had an impact on population. Do you have a body paragraph on that subject? If so, you probably do not need to cite it again.

    I would also take out the "and" after future.

  19. so do i include that the industrail revelution impacted use because of the methodes they used to produce merchandice? and what about a body paragraph? i dont have one talking about it i just added that in the conclusion.

  20. Ismael,

    If you do not talk about in a body paragraph, it really cannot be part of your thesis - which is what you are trying to rewrite for your conclusion. Unless you want to write an entirely new paragraph, I would find another way to address how the past populations have had an impact on today, using what you have already said in your paper.

  21. .............im not sure, i think il include the industrail revelution also then and then will the ending be valid?

  22. ok finally we agree!

  23. ok im done i sent it to you already, im going to sleep now i guess thats my final just give me a grade and il accept it i dont want to revise no more!!!, im done with it, ha, such a long week................

  24. Ismael,

    Thanks for getting it in and working so hard! See you in the morning!


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