Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Period 2: Nonviolence and Gandhi, Day 6 - Class Recap

An Air India 747-400 at Newark International Airport on Memorial Day weekend. If not for Gandhi, it is possible that Air India would not even exist today! Picture by Mr. Fritz.

Hello and welcome to another class recap!

I think that today was great - it was good to check in with everyone and see your papers. Hopefully, we gave you some good feedback about revising them. I also was excited that we finally got to talk a little bit about Gandhi and his philosophy. Look for that to continue next class!

Essential Questions: How does conflict arise and in what ways have various people responded? How did the concept of nonviolence develop and become implemented?

Soundtrack: "Get Up, Stand Up" by Bob Marley. Lyrics here. A fantastic song for thinking about civil rights!

AGENDA 6/3/09:
News Brief
Who Was Gandhi?
First Draft Check-In
The Old Man

Homework: Finish and turn in any late work! Read the blog and ask questions!

This includes any work on the paper that either Mrs. DeFrance or I gave you to revise!

News Brief: Sometimes we spend a lot of time on this section of class, talking about what is going on in the world. I am sorry if this gets boring for some of you, but I really like talking about everything that is happening! It is a good way to stay connected to what is happening. Today we had:

President Obama is in Saudi Arabia today, and is then heading to Egypt to give a major speech to the area. Here is a recap of what is going on: - Obama starts Mideast tour in Saudi Arabia, 'where Islam began'. Also, here is an interesting article about how Israel is taking this whole visit: - In Israel, Obama's visits to Egypt, Saudi Arabia are center stage. Again, really important to know what is going on in the Middle East! I am glad that you guys do! :-)

Nasser started a really interesting talk about black holes in space. I talked a little bit about the effects that black holes have, like warping time. Here is a video about how this is theorized to happen: - Black Holes: Warping Time & Space.

Someone mentioned that General Motors is selling off its Hummer brand to a buyer in China. Here is an article all about that: - Chinese Company Buying G.M.'s Hummer Brand.

Also, we talked about Osama bin Laden coming out with a new audio tape that just aired this morning (or we got news about it). This is a recap of what we currently know about that all: - Message on Obama Attributed to Bin Laden.

Really interesting stuff right? Juliet continued this section by bringing in her news article, which was this one: - Al-Qaeda 'kills British hostage'. Sadly, this sort of stuff happens all the time. People will kidnap others to try and spring their own friends out of prison. In fact, this is exactly like the plot of the movie Air Force One (1997).

Thanks for sharing the article Juliet! Amy, you are up for next class. A current news article about anything going on outside the United States. Thanks!

Who Was Gandhi? For this section, I had you write for a little bit (as I passed out an article) about what you would do for a "bucket list" if you knew you only had six months to live, to somehow better society. I really liked the responses that I heard, and I want to hammer home the point - why don't we live like this more often? Why aren't we more eco-friendly, for instance? I think a large part of it is that almost everyone is afraid that they will die and wants to deny that they eventually will. Part of coping with this is that we do not realize how we can truly have a long lasting positive impact on the world! Leaving a good legacy!

Gandhi was someone that definitely did leave a long lasting legacy. I had you read this article on Gandhi and look for ways that he tried to have an impact. It is a really interesting (but long, I know) article, so I hope you liked it! We will be talking more about it next class. - Person of the Century, Runner-Up - Mohandas Gandhi.

First Draft Check-In: During the time when you were reading the article, Mrs. DeFrance and I were checking papers and asking many of you to continue revising. If we asked you to do this, please bring your revised copy to class on Friday, thanks!

The Old Man: With about 20 minutes left in class, I showed the Seinfeld episode "The Old Man" because it talks about having an impact through volunteering, and about Gandhi for a little bit. It is also really funny and I thought it was a good reward for all of your hard work so far on the paper. Keep it up!

Remember that there is Nike SPARQ testing after school today from 3:00 to about 4:30. Also remember that I am crazy busy these last few weeks, so I might not be able to post and respond to your comments on the blog instantly. Please be sending them though! I love hearing from everyone, and helping as much as I possibly can!

Have a great evening, thanks for being so awesome!


  1. Mr.Fritz i forgot to ask if i had any assignments missing?

  2. Juliet,

    I do not have access to your grades before I started teaching your class, but you have everything in since I took over. However, I would like you to come in before school or at lunch to go over everything and retake the Middle East Map Quiz. Sound good? Thanks for asking!

  3. oh okay, thank you!
    i forgot about that!
    I'll try studying it so i can take it!

  4. Q and A time!!!!
    Q: If my question is in my thesis do I still have to write the question?
    For example, my question is what are the strategies Nike used to become successful. And in my thesis i said ... "Nike has been able to succeed through careful expansion, endorsements, and company culture." So my question is basically in my thesis and it sounds weird and repetitive if i state the question again, even in a different form.

    -Diana Kramer

  5. Diana,

    A: Take out "has been able to succeed" and turn it into something like this - "This paper will be researching the question of how Nike has been able to succeed as a company. To answer this, it will investigate Nike's careful expansion, endorsements, and company culture."

    You don't have to cite me if you like that. :-)

  6. Hey Mr Fritz! Not liking the weather. >:(
    Anyways.. I need help in my Intro and conclusion. I can't find anyway to start it. You know i already have the other stuff done.. But i need help with the the Intro and Conclusion.. So i can start typing the paper.


  7. Ricardo,

    The weather is crazy! I was thinking about trying to take pictures of the lightning, but it is really difficult to do that.

    As far as your introduction: talk about your research question and the answers to it (like I just showed Diana). You can write something like "This paper will investigate the answers to the question of how climate change effects coral reefs. Three main effects that it will look at are changes in water temperature, carbon dioxide, and pollution (or overfishing)."

    Your conclusion is along the same lines, but talking about what you just said in the body paragraphs (make sure to come back to the research question and thesis.

    Thanks for the post!

  8. wait i forgot to mention that it is in my conclusion so i dont know if it would be best to say this paper will be researching the question ... so any other ideas?
    -diana kramer

  9. Diana,

    You can reword it to talk about how you just stated all of this awesome information. "This paper has..."

  10. but doesn't that sound a little cheesy? Like maybe a bit ...

  11. Diana,

    As long as you can find some way to come back and mention what the research question was and your answers, that is all I am concerned with. It is easier for me to see that in two different sentences, but if you like what you have there right now, it will probably be fine.

  12. ok thanks for your help :)

  13. If your CD has quotations marks in it besides the one's it's supposed to have, how would I type that? So the example is..

    " When stressed by excessive heat or cold, many corals expel their algae and "bleach"

    Would i put more in or keep it like that?

  14. Ricardo,

    That is a great question. I am pretty sure that you take the quotation marks inside the quote and only have one dash around the phrase. So, using your example:

    "When stressed by excessive heat or cold, many corals expel their algae and 'bleach'" (citation).

  15. So i would keep the quotations from the CD and then cite it after?

  16. Ricardo,

    You would keep the quotation, but instead of "bleach" you would change it to 'bleach' - notice the one dash instead of two. Use the quotation marks at the beginning and end of the CD.


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