Thursday, April 5, 2018

Country Profile Project, Day 4 - Class Recap

Revolution Square, in Bucharest, Romania has this monument to King Carol I. The square is quite famous in Romanian history! Photo taken in 2013.

Hi everyone,

It's time to get back to work as we get closer to the end of the year! We had a day in class of researching for the Country Profile Project. Here's what we did today in class:

Learning Targets: 
Communication LT 1: I can communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing.
Research LT 1: I can effectively conduct and apply research.
Critical Thinking LT 2: I can explain connections between events, issues, problems and concepts.
Knowledge LT 10: I can explain demographic changes in the world and their effects.Behavior LT1: I can manage my responsibilities as a student.

Soundtrack: "Come Together" by The Beatles. Selected for today because we began to work on Part A and Part B. Beatles. Part B. Get it? Also, because peer review involves coming together to improve. Lyrics here.

AGENDA 4/5/18:
News Brief - Varsha
Parts A and B
Work Time

Homework: Read the blog! Keep working on your Country Profile Project. If you do not have your Current Event turned in, you are behind! Next news brief: Bella.
News Brief: Varsha had the news brief today, but missed class, so I filled in and talked about this story: - Queens' clash at church goes viral to expose tensions in Spanish royal family. We found the Spain in the world map packet and talked about this story for a bit, before moving on.

We also watched the one minute BBC World News update. Here's the link to see the latest one minute update, at any time of day (it will probably be different from what we watched in class):

The next news brief was assigned to Bella.

Current Events were due in class today for students. Make sure you upload it on Google Classroom so that I can grade it and give you feedback for revisions! It is also a good idea to get a peer review on this.

Economics: To try and help students understand some main economic concepts some more, in order to incorporate them into your Country Profile Project research summary, we took a look at this document (also on Google Classroom) together:

Use these to identify what kinds of economic systems are in your country!

Parts A and B: Next, we started the bulk of the Country Profile Project by looking into more depth at the countries. This was the worksheet to start (also on Google Classroom):

Here's an example of how to do this:

Hopefully, by analyzing the maps and looking at the countries students are becoming more familiar with geographic and human characteristics.

After this activity, I passed out this guide for taking notes as students conduct research and start outlining what the final product should look like:

We will have in class research and writing time for much of the next few classes, with your first draft of research summary being due by 4/10 (A Day) or 4/11 (B Day).

Work Time: The rest of class was devoted to working quietly on the Country Profile Project assignment, and I was happy to try and answer questions.

Thank you for your hard work - please let me know if there is anything else I can help with!

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