Thursday, January 4, 2018

Genocide in Rwanda, Day 8 - Class Recap

The sun has set on the Rwanda unit! Hopefully it had a great impact on you. Next week, we will move on to the last (shorter) unit before finals! Photo taken in Washington, 2009.

Dear class,

Today was spent finishing Hotel Rwanda. Here's what happened in class today:

Learning Targets:
Knowledge LT 20: I can identify the critical components of imperialism.
Behavior LT 2: I can self-direct my learning.

Soundtrack: "Welcome Back" by Ma$e. Selected for today for obvious reasons. Lyrics here.

AGENDA 1/4/18:
News Brief - Mr. Fritz
Finish Hotel Rwanda
Movie Assignment
Make Up/Late Work

Homework: Read the blog. Work on any late or incomplete work. Next news brief: McKenzie.

News Brief: I had the news brief today due to the long break and selected an article about this story to talk about: - Iran protests pose an unpredictable challenge for authorities. We talked for a while in class about Iran, in terms of what is happening there and why.

I also talked about the reason I was absent from school just before Winter Break started: my uncle and aunt were killed in a bus accident in Mexico that made the news, here: - Americans among 12 killed in bus crash during Mexican cruise excursion. After my dad's death, I became even closer with my Uncle Andy and Aunt Jody, so their deaths are especially hard to fathom, as well. The memorial service for both of them is this Saturday in Olympia, Washington. It was a very challenging break, for sure. I appreciate everyone's kindness and understanding during this time.

McKenzie was selected to do the next news brief.

We also watched the one minute BBC World News update. Here's the link to see the latest one minute update, at any time of day (it will probably be different from what we watched in class):

Finish Hotel Rwanda: We finally were able to completely finish the movie today! Here is the worksheet of questions to answer as we watched:

I hope you enjoyed the film and found it powerful. I've now seen it dozens of times and I am always struck by how good it is - especially about showing the stages of genocide. Thank you for your focus and attention here!

Movie Assignment: After finishing Hotel Rwanda, I gave students most of the rest of class to be working on the notes that went with the movie. I had students turn the assignment in at the end of class.

Make Up/Late Work: We didn't have time in class to check in about grades on a 1-1 basis. I will try to find time to do so next week! Please know what you need to be working on to improve your grade.

Have a great weekend! Next week, we will start a smaller unit on the Holocaust, which ties in with Mr. Puterbaugh's class and your reading of "Night" there.

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