Friday, March 24, 2017

Historical Investigation, Day 3 - Class Recap

After Spring Break note: Please see below for what we did in class today, with the exception of Kenny being assigned the next news brief and your Parts A, B, and D due at the start of next class (on Wednesday) for peer review.

Note: Today was an open walled class with Mr. Puterbaugh, where my Period 2 would normally be. As such, Period 2 got all of this information today, and will continue to work on finishing Part B in class the Monday after Spring Break, before it is due on Wednesday. Thus, this post is a review for today (the Friday before Spring Break) and a preview for the Monday after break. :-)

Over Spring Break in 2015, I traveled to India, and went to Mahatma Gandhi's home. These footsteps mark where he was, leading up to the spot where he was assassinated. Many students are doing historical investigations into India's revolution! Photo taken in March of 2015.

Hi everyone,

Welcome to Spring Break! We have plenty to do in class, in finding information to complete your Part B research and then using that research to write. Here's what we did in the last class before the break:

Learning Targets: 
Knowledge LT 19: I can explain the impacts of nationalism and revolutionary movements.
Communication LT 1: I can communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing.
Research LT 1: I can effectively conduct and apply research.
Critical Thinking LT 2: I can explain connections between events, issues, problems and concepts..

Soundtrack: "Roam" by The B-52's. Selected for today because of my encouragement to explore the world around you, even if you are staying at home during Spring Break! Lyrics here.

AGENDA 3/24/17:
News Brief - Kira
Part B, Explained
Work Time

Homework: Read the blog! Have a great, safe Spring Break! Please work on Part B - researching your historical investigation and using that information to write your research paper! Two to three pages are due to be turned in on Google Classroom before our second class after break (on Wednesday, April 5)! Next news brief: Mr. Fritz.
News Brief: Kira (from my Period 1) had the news brief today and selected this article to talk about: - Attack in Westminster: What happened?. We found the United Kingdom in our world map packet and noted we did a story on this event. I talked for a bit in class about about this story, and how I have a good friend in the British government (Westminster is one of my favo(u)rite places in the world). I will have the next news brief after Spring Break.

Finally, we checked in about what students were up to over Spring Break this year. I will be heading to South Korea with my wife for the week! We are looking forward to exploring the country and coming back refreshed and rejuvenated. :-)

We also watched the one minute BBC World News update. Here's the link to see the latest one minute update, at any time of day (it will probably be different from what we watched in class):

Part B, Explained/Sources: Before we started in class work again, I went over the MLA citations guideline and how you should be citing your information that you find as part of your investigation. Here is the paper that I passed out in class: MLA citation guide - 7th edition. Every source that you use for your project should fit into one of those categories on the second page. That is what you are adding to your bibliography (Part D) as you go along.

Finally, for Part B - the Summary and Use of Evidence, please look at page 3 of the Historical Investigation assignment.

That document will help you with understanding what Part B is all about. Remember, Part B (which is 2-3 pages) is due on the Wednesday of the week we get back, turned in on Google Classroom.

To help with Part B, here is a second document - a template for filling out as you find good sources of information that relate to your research question:

This is a nice and easy way to complete Part B. Remember that you need to have at least three good sources (so you could fill out this document four different times, if you wanted). Again, no Wikipedia - the source has to be reliable information.

The best way to find good sources is using the Westview High School Library website. Here is the guide that I wrote up for using it.

Another good way to find good, reliable information is through a search on Google Scholar, which looks through academic articles (make sure you aren't using a book review as a source, though).

I know this is a LOT to take in. Please let me know how I can help better explain what you need to do.

Work Time: After explaining all of this, we had in class work time. At this point, you really need to have Part A done, and know what you are doing with Part B.

I know this is quite a lot of information, all at once. I am here to help at almost any time - just take into account the time in Korea for me to get back to you! Email, post a comment on the blog, or come see me! Have a great, safe Spring Break and I will see you all in April! :-)

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