Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Religion, Day 7 - Class Recap

Buddhist prayer flags at Boudhanath Stupa in Kathmandu. Photo taken in 2015.

Hi everyone,

I had a lot of fun today, playing Jeopardy to review religion concepts and vocabulary! Here's what we did today in class:

Learning Targets: 
Knowledge LT 21: I can explain how religious ideas impact the shaping of societies.
Critical Thinking LT 2: I can explain connections between events, issues, problems and concepts.

Soundtrack: "Duel of the Fates" from Star Wars. Selected for today because it is May the 4th - Star Wars Day!

AGENDA 5/4/16:
News Brief/Ballot – Grace
Crash Course
Jeopardy Review
Study Time

Homework: Read the blog! Study the religion vocabulary for test next class! Know your grade and how to improve it: Russian Revolution work (found on this post), World War I work (found in this post) and finishing Historical Investigation if you have not - revisions needed, as well. (if you want to turn in a revised copy, please give me the original graded copy for review, as well). Next news brief: Christian L.
News Brief/Ballot: Grace had the news brief today and selected an article about this story to talk about: - Syria conflict: 'Dozens killed' in Aleppo battle. This was a sad story out of Syria, which also related to our religion unit. We found Syria in the world map packet, and also checked in about what students were up to outside of class.

I also showed students my blank ballot to vote in the upcoming primary election. Obviously, this is more Government than Global Studies, and I still think it is important for everyone to know how voting works here in Oregon.

The next news brief was assigned to Christian L.

We also watched the one minute BBC World News update. Here's the link to see the latest one minute update, at any time of day (it will probably be different from what we watched in class):

Crash Course: Before playing Jeopardy, I wanted to show part of a Crash Course video that might help students understand 1) Islam a bit better, 2) How religion impacts society in a variety of ways. It was only the first 4 minutes or so of this video - and there are lots of other Crash Course videos on the history of religion, if you are interested!

Again, just another opportunity for studying, if you want. I like that the videos are closed captioned, because they are very fast paced!

Jeopardy Review: Here is the PowerPoint we went through (I will post this after my class tomorrow plays), playing Jeopardy to review - this should help, along with going over your notes and asking others to help quiz you!

I told students that I would put a question from the test on the blog, in the hopes of encouraging students to look, so here it is:

The term that describes a "branch" of a religion is: a) Worship. b) Pillar. c) Secular. d) Sect

Keep studying!

Study Guide: At the end of class, it was study time for the test. Please note that there will also be a question or two based on some of the religions we talked last class, too! This guide is intended for you to help review your Religion PowerPoint notes. Here it is:

Be aware that Google Drive makes the sheet two pages, whereas the copy I passed out in class is just one page. Study the vocabulary and your notes from the religions we went over last class! The test will be next class! See you then! :-)


  1. Can you play "all the way up" by Fat Joe and Remy Ma? I think it represents how our scores on the tests will put our grades "all the way up" so it makes sense to play the song.

    1. Hi there!

      Thanks for the suggestion! Unfortunately, one look at the lyrics for the song you suggested show they are not school appropriate at all. Sorry!


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