Monday, June 8, 2015

Israel and Palestine, Day 7 - Class Recap

Mt. Hood. We are almost to the end of the school year, everyone! Selected for today because I enjoyed part of the weekend up at the mountain with my girlfriend and her family!

Hi everyone,

We made it to the last weekend of the school year! Hooray! There is plenty to prepare for this week with finals, so keep working hard, please. Here's what we did today in class:

Learning Targets: 
Communication LT 2: I can use language and style that is appropriate to the content area.
Critical Thinking LT 2: I can explain connections between events, issues, problems and concepts.
Knowledge LT 10: I can explain demographic changes in the world and their effects.
Knowledge LT 20: I can explain the impacts of nationalism and revolutionary movements. Knowledge LT 22: I can explain how religious ideas impact the shaping of societies.

Soundtrack: "Open Your Heart" by Madonna. Selected for today because opening hearts and minds to peace is really important to helping solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict! Lyrics here.

AGENDA 6/8/15:
News Brief – Jordan
Finish TMEE
Work Time
Questions for Commissioner Fritz

Homework: Read the blog! Keep working on your final project for the year (specific guide for what to do here). Due at the start of next class - our final class together. Next news brief: Bhavya.
News Brief: Jordan had the news brief today and selected an article about this story to talk about: - South Korea MERS outbreak: 6 dead; 2,500 quarantined; 1,800 schools closed. We talked about what Middle East Respiratory Syndrome virus is and why is is causing such concern. Thanks, Jordan.

I showed a recent comment on the blog, from a teacher who had a conversation with the director of Promises, too! Here's the interview if you want to read more about the making of the film and what is currently going on.

We also watched VICE News for the day and talked about our weekends, before moving on.

The next news brief was assigned to Bhavya.

Finish Through Middle Eastern Eyes: This was an excerpt from a book, which I made a class set of. The two characters are representing the perspectives of Israel and Palestine. Here's the online version if you want to keep working on this at home:

There is a few pages of timeline and introduction in that, and then the characters start talking on page 229. The two characters in the reading were David (representing Israel) and Daud (representing Palestine). I wanted students to partner up and go through the reading together. Here is the assignment that goes with the reading, to note each perspective and help you prepare for your final assignment:

Work Time: The rest of class was set aside for the final project. I was checking in with every student as to which learning targets they wanted to be graded on for the final. Speaking of the final project, this form clarifies what the expectation is going to be on the day of the final, as well as what students should be writing/talking about:

I'm going to keep it simple and have students just focus on this. You should already know what learning targets you need to work on. Use the chart at the top of the second page to focus your writing/speech notes on the specific issues in the conflict. I know there were a lot of questions on this - please let me know if I can continue clearing this up

Questions for Commissioner Fritz: My mom and the Mayor of Beaverton will be coming to visit our class on Tuesday! They are mostly coming for the Government class before, but I figured they should stick around and meet you guys, too! If you are in Period 3 for Mr. Lathrop, we are going to open the walls so they can talk to both classes at once. If you want to learn a little bit more about who they are, here is my mom's bio on her website, and here is the Mayor Denny Doyle's bio. I'm excited for you to meet them!

Thanks, everyone! Keep working hard! We are almost there! :-)


  1. Hey Mr. Fritz, so if we do the U.N position then we have to give solutions to the issues correct? When we write the solutions in the paper should we use pronouns like "I", "We" or things like "The U.N thinks..."

    1. Hi there,

      EVERYONE should be proposing possible solutions to the issues they are doing for the final. I think that "we" works here, as long as you identify at the start that you are representing the United Nations. Thanks for continuing to work on this!

  2. Should we put citations at the end and in the paragraphs for this project? (like the research project)

    1. Hi there,

      Sorry this took me so long! Graduation night is always late for teachers (and seniors, I'm sure)! No, this is not a research project. You do not need to cite your sources, because all of the information you are using should come from in class materials. You can certainly reference them, if you want. Like "In the documentary Promises, it shows..."


  3. Hi Mr fritz do I need a thesis for being a Israeli

  4. Hi there,

    I'm not sure I understand your question. A thesis is an answer to a question. Do you mean, do you need to explain why you chose to be Israeli for this assignment? No, in that case.

  5. Hey Mr Fritz is this argument assignment between Palestinian and Israeli

    1. Hi. I am not sure what you mean. This is a peace conference between Israel and Palestine. You are going over past issues between the two sides, and proposing a solution that might work.

    2. So if I chose to be a Israeli would only talk about their side of the story

    3. Hi again,

      You would tell the story of what has happened in the past from their perspective, yes. You also need to propose a possible solution that might work for everyone. You can't just say something like "Israel is better - Palestinians need to go away" because that is not realistic. You need to work with them!

  6. This isn't really related to your final that much, but what is the finals schedule?

    1. I think it is on the Westview website. Basically:

      Periods 1 and 3

      Periods 4 and 6

      Periods 2 and 5

      Starting at 7:45 every day.

  7. Mr Fritz, I just wanted to thank you for being an I credit teacher and role model. Your job as a teacher is to open new doors for us, and you did just that. I just want to thank you so much, and you're deeply appreciated amongst all of your students. You're a phenomenal teacher and you're overall an amazing guy, thanks for being so great to us.

    1. Hi there,

      Aww, thank you so much for writing to me! I wish I knew who this was. That's a very sweet comment, as it encompasses much of what I hope to be as a teacher. I love my job and I love all of the people I work with! :-)

      Thank you!

  8. where can I find the paper that has all of the problems that need to be solved online?

    1. In the homework section of this blog post. The highlighted "here" is a link to the overview of what to do. :-)

  9. thanks :))))))))))))))))))))))))

  10. Hi Mr. Fritz, If I stand from a Palestinian perspective and I have to write about Nationalism, what should I be writing about?

    1. Look at the issues on the assignment that have to do with Nationalism as a learning target. If I'm not mistaken, that is every issue except Jerusalem. So, go to the assignment, look at the questions for all the other issues, then answer them, then create a peace proposal that might actually work. :-)

  11. Hey Mr Fritz, I was working on my final writing, and realized that I was having a hard time writing about what I chose last class. Is it okay if I change what I write?

    1. You can change what you are writing about, but you need to focus on the learning targets that you need to improve (which is what we sat down and went through together).

  12. Also, you dont want us using any information from online, correct?

    1. You could if you want, but this is not a research project. I would like you to use the information/readings/films from class and make up your own opinion on what is going on and what should happen.

  13. Hey, How do you want us to write our final?
    Do you want it double spaced or single spaced?
    And how about the fonts?

    1. Hey! Double spaced. Size 12, Times New Roman, if possible, please!

  14. So will everyone have to talk during the discussion? Will you call up each person to say their opinion at least once?

    1. Absolutely. I have in the first two classes - I see no reason why it wouldn't happen with the third, aside from maybe if the speeches go long.


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