Friday, February 20, 2015

World War I, Day 7 - Class Recap

One of the conditions put on Germany at the end World War I was to have no navy ships. Here's a sailboat in Hawaii. Photo taken in 2011.

Hi everyone,

I really enjoyed playing Jeopardy to review World War I with everyone today! Hopefully, you had some fun, as well, and learned again about the important aspects at the end of the war. Here's what happened today:

Learning Targets: 
Critical Thinking and Analysis LT 2: I can explain connections between events, issues, problems, and concepts.
Knowledge LT 20: I can explain the impacts of nationalism and revolutionary movements.

Soundtrack: "Be Prepared" from The Lion King. Selected for today because of the World War I final essay next class, and all the work that is due along with it. Lyrics here.

AGENDA 2/20/15:
News Brief – Bhavya
Jeopardy Review
Work Time
Prepare for Final Essay

Homework: Read the blog. Make sure all of your World War I work for the Collection of Evidence is completed and in order! See below for links! Next news brief: Jordan

News Brief: Bhavya had the news brief today and selected this story to talk about: - Australia storms: Cyclones hit Queensland and Northern Territory. We talked about the extreme weather there, and our abnormally high temperatures here, combined with the extremely low temperatures in the eastern United States, as well. I also asked about what plans were for the weekend.

Jordan was selected to do the next news brief.

We also watched VICE News for the day before moving on.

Jeopardy Review: This was just to help with the concepts and information we talked about the last few classes, with the end of World War I. I am not going to post the entire slideshow here, but I did have a lot of fun, and I think most students in the class did, too. Congratulations to Team 2 for their come from behind victory!

Work Time: Here's all the work you need to have ready to turn in next class, when you will be completing your final essay in class:

2) Franz Ferdinand assassination answers (separate sheet of paper)

3) Rough Draft/Practice Essay on start of WWI, with brainstorm/graphic organizer (see last slide here for the essay prompt). Please also get this peer reviewed, as well. It does NOT need to be finished as a final draft - all I am looking for here is that you have the writing process.

5) US Entry into WWI paragraph (bottom of the second page, in TS/CD/CD/CM/CS format)

6) Treaty of Versailles Worksheet (see example on second page, then follow format for the rest of the points).

Prepare for Final Essay: If you want to prepare, think about possible thesis statements about what happened at the end of World War I and be able to use vocabulary words that you took notes on in class.

Have a great weekend and please be ready to turn your completed work in with your in class essay!


  1. Can we used our notes for the test? And is the test just an essay, or also questions along with the essay?

    1. Hi there!

      Yes, you can use your notes for the essay test. No other questions (it's not like a DBQ). Remember that you will be asked to use vocabulary from the END of World War I in your response (your practice essay was about the beginning of the war).


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