Thursday, September 18, 2014

Geography, Day 4 - Class Recap

This is a globe that was in a house that George Washington stayed at for a few weeks in Barbados. Photo taken in 2011.

Hi everyone,

We are officially on the back side of the week! Hooray. Today, we learned about the Five Themes of Geography and did some more map work with the atlases in class. Here's what happened:

Learning Targets:
Knowledge LT 6: I can demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of locations and regions. Knowledge LT 7: I can demonstrate the ability to use geographic tools. 

Soundtrack: "Maps" by Maroon 5. Get it? Because we are learning about Geography and maps? Ha, ha. Lyrics here.

AGENDA 9/18/14:
News Brief – Maddy
 - Scotland
Blog Recap
Five Themes of Geography
Map Work

Homework: Read the blog. Bring a photo for the wall if you have not already. Study for North America map quiz next class (need completed and colored map of North America done in order to use). Next news brief: Jillian.

News Brief: Maddy brought in this article as her news brief today: - Bangladesh Court Reduces Sentence of Islamist. We found Bangladesh on our world map (in Asia) and highlighted or put a star by it, so we know we talked about it. I mentioned that Bangladesh used to be a part of Pakistan (it was called East Pakistan) from 1955 to 1971, and that this was probably related to that. It was! Thanks for the article, Maddy!

I also wanted to be sure to address the election today in Scotland, where the people there are electing to see if they want to become their own country, away from the rest of the United Kingdom and Great Britain. This is such an interesting event to me, especially as a British citizen! It would sort of be like if the State of Washington was holding an election to become their own country, away from the United States. I took a ton of questions from the class about all of this (impossible to recap them all, but it was an excellent discussion and exactly what I want the news brief section to look like), and I also played a video message from my friend Matthew Lumby, who was in Glasgow, Scotland today! I used the document camera in class to play it from my phone, but here's the full version, that I just put on YouTube! :-)

Matthew's message was cut a bit short at the end, so he sent me a text message to say: "Hope you have a good day and check the results at around 10 PM your time tonight."

How cool is that? Technology, globalization, elections, teaching, and friends are awesome. Combining all at once? Epic.

Blog Recap: For this section, I just wanted to show this website again and re-emphasize the importance of checking in, reading the recaps, on staying on top of what we are doing in class. For instance, a map quiz question that you will already know if you are reading this is: This country, east of Cuba, makes up the western half of the island known as Hispaniola. A lot of time and effort goes into writing the blog - please use it to help yourself be successful! :-)

Five Themes of Geography: Basically, this was a PowerPoint presentation in combination with a handout for notes on each of the themes and an activity using the atlases. The Five Themes of Geography are:

Human Environment interactions


For those that were not in class or wanted to see the presentation again for additional review, here it is:

Atlases: The rest of class was dedicated to working on the handout, by finding maps in the atlas that relate to each of the themes of Geography and the subsections. For instance, the map of refugees in the world would be an excellent example of Movement --> Human Movement.

Map Work: Again, a heads up that you need your completed North America/Caribbean map, with the countries labeled and colored to use next class on the quiz. Please use a website like Google Maps, or ask questions if you need help! Here are the maps again:

Sound good? See you next class!


  1. Sooo, do we finish the whole entire world map thingy???

    1. Skylar: Just North America (the front and back of the first page). Which is what it says above in the homework section. Colored and labeled, please. Thank you!


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