Thursday, April 2, 2009

Period 2: Turmoil in the Middle East, Day 2 - Class Recap

Suzanne Mubarek, the first lady of Egypt, who we read about in class today. Doesn't she look like Emily Gilmore, from The Gilmore Girls?

Good afternoon (by the time I finish writing this), class!

Thank you for another interesting class! I think we are gradually getting in to really getting to know each other well. The turn-in rate on the letters to me was absolutely outstanding, thank you! I am really quite excited to read them and get back to you, which I will do on Monday. Generally, I think there is still a little too much talking (from all sides - I do not want to be talking that much either), but I am sure we will all get better with time. Again, if you have anything to ask me or comment about, please do! :-)

Essential Questions: How does conflict arise and in what ways have various people responded? What impact can women in the Middle East have on policy? - We especially looked at answering the second question in class today!

Soundtrack: "Rock the Casbah" by The Clash. Lyrics here. Wikipedia has a really interesting background on the song: - "Rock the Casbah". I didn't mention this in class, but one possibility of the song's meaning is about the banning of rock music in Iran. Also, a song featured in many commercials, and Will Smith used it as the beat for his song "Will 2k" on his album Willenium. You can watch the video for that song here.

AGENDA 4/2/09:
Blog Talk
News Brief
Article Reading
Battle of the Sexes
Debrief Discussion

Homework: Finish three paragraphs on women in Middle East. Interview an adult woman about any struggles she sees that women around the world have. Check blog!

The three paragraph assignment will be explained in more depth in the "Debrief Discussion" below, but essentially, I want you to think of three ways that women can have some sort of say in policy decisions in the Middle East. Write a paragraph about each way, explaining what it is, why you think it will work, and how it can be done. This should not be a very difficult assignment, but I am going to be looking to make sure you put some effort and thought into it, as always.

Secondly, another easy assignment: interview an adult woman about any struggles that she thinks women face throughout the world. What are they? Why? All I am looking for here are some notes on a conversation. Talk to your mom, Mrs. DeFrance, another teacher, anyone who is grown up and has some perspective about these issues.

Finally, if you are reading this sentence, you have the "check blog" homework in the bag. Way to go! :-)

Blog Talk: Thank you for the feedback on this! I really liked all the participation in the comments! Remember to use comments to ask questions or talk about anything else that is on your mind (within reason, of course). The blog is really an extension of class, and hopefully you can see how important it is to be following along with what is going on.

News Brief: Haze brought in an "out of this world" interesting article: - Jupiter's stormy Great Red Spot is shrinking. Actually a really fascinating read! Apparently, the storm is as big as three Earths. Crazy! Thanks for bringing this in Haze! Ricardo, you are next up for Monday. Any article (preferably about this planet, please), that has to do with something outside of the United States that is currently going on. Let me know if you want to run it by me before class!

Article Reading: I read this article to the class: The Observer - The Arab world's first ladies are forging rights for women. Some good thoughts and comments came up during the reading. One was about genital mutilation, and whether or not that was okay to enforce our culture on other cultures. I am not going to link to any articles or pages on the subject, but I think you can pretty much guess what the debate is about from what we talked about in class. Do we have a right to go into another place and say "hey, stop doing that (even though it is a part of their culture) because it is barbaric" - or should we just ignore these things, which are somewhat similar to the human sacrifices of not that long ago? It is a difficult question to answer!

Battle of the Sexes: I took the gentlemen, while Mrs. DeFrance took the ladies, and we talked about two things primarily - 1) What was something interesting you saw in the article? 2) What needs to happen for women to be able to have an impact on policy decisions in the Middle East?

I know that it was not as clear as that, but that is sometimes how discussions go. Ladies, I am very sorry that you could not hear each other a lot, and I know that was mostly my fault! If we do something like that again, I think we will just go to another area of the school. Leading a discussion is always a tough thing for me, because I really get excited and interested in what people have to say - so much so that I have to be able to calm down and let the class talk to each other, not to me. A work in progress!

Overall, I was pleased with how this went. There were some issues with lack of focus on the male side, but we did come up with some really good ways for women to have an impact.

Debrief Discussion: Breanna and I helpfully made a list for the class of what we talked about in our respective groups. It certainly seemed like we came up with similar ideas! Here they are:

What is important to remember is that we cannot just say "women need to speak out" - because the reality is, if they did that, they would be killed in some countries. Also, we need to realize that it is not merely up to women to fight for their rights - men need to be on the forefront of helping. For instance, what good would it be if white people just sat back, did nothing, and collectively said "it's up to black people to claim their rights." We would still have segregation, at the very least.

So, use the list above (or anything that you think of on your own) to write neatly (or type) three paragraphs on how women can have an impact on policy decisions in the Middle East.

Again, if you have any questions about what I am asking you to do, please either comment or e-mail me and I would be more than happy to help you out. Keep the conversation going!

I will see you next Monday. In the meantime, there is no new Office tonight (but there are two new episodes next week). There are Blazer games on Friday (at The Team That Moved From Seattle - 5:00 PM, Comcast Sports Net) and on Sunday (at Houston, 4:00 PM, KGW - Ch. 8). The NCAA Final Four starts Saturday on CBS. There's your sports public service announcements. :-)

I am so excited to read your letters and get to know every one of you better! Have an absolutely wonderful weekend!


  1. HORRAY!!!! I'm the first to comment! I just ate some delectable oreos by the way. yum :)

  2. Nice! "Delectable" is an excellent word! And Oreos are very good too - thanks for stopping by! :-)

  3. I just wanted to say that the camera on your phone is VERY good. When you open the picture it is very clear and it's bigger then my computer screen.
    I don't think Suzanne Mubarek.
    On a different note, who do you think is going to win the NCAA title? Do you think the Blazers can take 1st in the Northwest division?

  4. Nasser,

    Most cell phones can take pictures like that - it's just a matter of adjusting the settings.

    I think you might have forgotten to end your comment about Suzanne Mubarek. ;-)

    Right now, I really have to like North Carolina. They are the only team I had right in the Final Four, and with Lawson playing the way he is, they are very difficult to match up with. I know that Mrs. DeFrance is rooting for Michigan State - she graduated from there!

    The Blazers need some help. Denver is going to beat Utah tonight, and they are going to be difficult to catch. Especially with our four game road trip coming up. However, the Blazers are playing spectacularly well as of late, so I would not put it past them.

    Back to making the lesson plan for tomorrow... :-)

  5. I don't think she looks like Emily Gilmore

  6. OHH how beautiful it is outside at the moment! Finally we can actually see the blue sky :)

  7. Mary,

    I know! It makes me want to go take some pictures with my Canon Rebel XTI! ;-)

    Enjoy the weekend!

  8. Finish my paragraphs. Probably did it totally wrong, but I tried. :)Oh and nice job on the blog. Hey that kinda rhymes. job and blog... lol

  9. Breanna,

    I'm confident you did it right! Please let me know if you have any questions about it, and read the homework section in the blog, which might clarify things. I hope you are having a wonderful Saturday!

  10. Well my Saturday could have been better. You see on Friday I sprained my ankle during P.E. playing basketball and now it all swollen and hurts.Anywho. For my paper it just seems so short like its a half of a page, I couldn't think of that much to say?

  11. Breanna,

    I'm sorry about your ankle! Mr. Hardin and I were saying before playing basketball at lunch on Friday that we have the ankles of 86 year old grandmothers. I've sprained my ankle so many times it is ridiculous, so I know your pain!

    As for the assignment, I am just looking for three solid paragraphs. Once you select something you think is good, write a little bit about why it would help women have a say in decisions in the Middle East. How can what you selected help? What would be needed in order for it to work?

    We made a great list - just expand on it a little!

  12. HI Mr. fritz i am a little confused about the homework cause i was not feeling well last class and could not make it in.So i did not get what i hole women paragraph thing was so i am not really sure what to do for it.I checked the homework part but still a little lost!
    p.s. i have the essay that was due last class!
    Sorry if i don't make any seance

  13. Hi Suzie!

    The blog recap should have a fairly good rundown of exactly what we did in class. You should especially look at the picture I took of the board - those were our class thoughts on how women can have a say in making policy decisions in the Middle East. Pick three (or think of some on your own) and explain why and how they can work. For each idea, write a paragraph supporting it.

    Does that help? Thanks for asking!

  14. Yeah that dose! thanks Do you wont me to do it by tomorrow? or could I turn it in on Wednesday?

  15. Suzie,

    If possible, I would like it turned in tomorrow. However, if you are unclear about what you need to do and would like to talk about it before or after class tomorrow, I would completely understand if you turned it in on Wednesday. Thanks for asking!

  16. thank you so much
    Can i come in a little before class at like 7:30 if that's okay to figure out what to do? thanks!

  17. Suzie,

    Absolutely! I usually am in the classroom getting things ready from about 7:15 on. Please remember to bring your letter to me! See you tomorrow!

  18. I did some thing fun on friday
    I played 2 LAX games and the JV score was 4-3 of course we won and i played in the Varsity too. the score was like 21-8 and we destroyed them!!!!!!

  19. Great Dylan!

    Remember to bring in a current event for tomorrow, if you can. Thanks!

  20. i just finished watching river monsters on animal planet

    i know pretty hardcore

    seeya tommorrow


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