Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Revolution! Day 1 - Class Recap

My view of the 2012 Rose Bowl, between Oregon and Wisconsin. One of my favorite memories!

Dear class,

I loved today. It was fun to be able to focus on some good in the world and have a little fun being creative! Here's what happened in class:

Learning Targets:
Critical Thinking LT 1: I can explain multiple perspectives and viewpoints.
Knowledge LT 20: I can explain the impacts of nationalism and revolutionary movements.

Soundtrack: “Where is the Love?” by The Black Eyed Peas. Chosen for today because we have been talking so much about war, genocide, and revolutions (soon) - I thought we needed to focus a bit on love and what brings people together across the world. Lyrics here

AGENDA 3/7/18:
News Brief - Jessica
Forecasting/Debrief WWI Essay
Create Posters

Homework: Read the blog! Krista has the next news brief.
News Brief: The news brief article for today was brought in by Jessica. Here is the story: - UK officials 'know more' about what may have poisoned Russian spy. We talked about what has been happening with this case in United Kingdom, before moving on to check in about the weekend. Krista, you are up for the news brief next class.

We also watched the one minute BBC World News update. Here's the link to see the latest one minute update, at any time of day (it will probably be different from what we watched in class):

Debrief WWI Essay: I noted that you will have to do such tests in the future, like for SATs, and this was good practice. That was definitely my hope! Yes, it may have been tough to write so much, in an entire class period. I do think that most of you did well with it. I know it was a difficult assignment!

Togetherness: After this, I turned our attention to something more exciting and interesting (I hope): ways in which the world comes together. 

We made a good list in class! I then showed a lot of videos in a row, to highlight these themes. Here are the links to them, if you want to watch again:

The end to this video:

Part of this video from Chicago, when Carli Lloyd scored the first goal in the Women's World Cup Final in 2015 (I was at this game!):

The "Free Hugs" campaign in Australia: - Free Hugs.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

 "Dancing (2012)"

LOVE these videos. All great examples of what brings people together across so many different areas.

Create Posters: Your task after watching this was to start creating a poster of something that brings the world together. Again, this is extremely low stakes - it's not going to be a huge grade or anything. Just a fun activity to remember that there is more to the world than just conflict. We will try to finish these up next class, present, then move on to the revolution unit. Sound like a plan? Thanks for the great class today! Let me know if you have other videos that you enjoy along these same lines! :-)

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