Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Culture, Day 11 - Class Recap

Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Photo taken in 2016 during the Rio 2016 Olympics. Lots of culture on display, for sure!

Hello everyone,

Our last class dealing with culture, as students had a timed write in class with finishing the DBQ essay. Here's what happened today:

Learning Targets:
Communication LT 1: I can communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing.
Critical Thinking LT 1: I can explain multiple perspectives and viewpoints.
Knowledge LT 15: I can explain how culture both reflects and shapes society.
Behavior LT 1:  I can manage my responsibilities as a student.

Soundtrack: "Sirius" by Alan Parsons Project. Selected for today as another pump up song for writing the DBQ. No lyrics, but listen here.

AGENDA 11/7/17:
News Brief - Kylie
Grade Updates
Write DBQ Essay
SSR/Quiet Work Time

Homework: Read the blog. All Culture unit work was due in class today - if you did not turn it in, do so ASAP! As a reminder, this is:

1) Surface culture worksheet (National Geographic photos PowerPoint)
2) Cornell Notes on Culture definitions/iceberg PowerPoint
3) Nacirema writing (neatly written or typed, 200 words minimum)
4) Time for School Notes/Answers

Next news brief: Jessica.

News Brief: Kylie had the news brief today and selected an article about this story to talk about with the class: BBC.com - Saudi prince killed in helicopter crash near Yemen border. We found Saudi Arabia in the Middle East map and talked for a bit in class about this story and what is currently happening in Saudi Arabia. We also checked in about what people were up to outside of class this weekend.

Jessica was selected to do the next news brief.

If you wanted to watch the one minute BBC World News update, here's the link to see the latest one minute update, at any time of day:

Grade Updates: After the news, I talked about what I saw while updating grades for the Progress Report. In general, I loved the Culture Projects the class did! I enjoyed the students that wrote they had never really thought about their own culture before, and I know that everyone enjoyed the presentations in class about cultures around the world, as well. Thank you for your hard work with these! The next grades in the grade book with be for the Culture DBQ, which are the same learning targets as the Culture Project, so your grade may change when I grade them (hopefully later this week).

Write DBQ Essay: The rest of class was devoted to writing the DBQ essay (this is linked to in Google Classroom), based off of the documents that you analyzed last class. Before we did this, we went through the handout going through the steps to writing a DBQ (as well as recalled our notes on the Justin Bieber example):

As students finished the five paragraph essay, they turned it in on Google Classroom or handed it in to me in person, along with the rest of their Culture Unit work.

SSR/Quiet Work Time: After students finished the essay, it was quiet work time in class as everyone had until the end of class to complete the assignment. Next class, we will begin our next unit, on Governments and structures of power around the world! See you then!

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