Friday, March 4, 2016

Revolution! Day 4 - Class Recap

The flag of Vietnam (a communist country), flying on a boat in Ha Long Bay. Notice the red and the star as symbols! Photo taken in 2011.

Hi everyone,

Today, we looked more into the concept of propaganda and persuasion (matching up well with what you are doing in Mr. Puterbaugh and Mr. Schmidt's class). Here's what happened in class:

Learning Targets:
Critical Thinking LT 1: I can explain multiple perspectives and viewpoints.
Knowledge LT 19: I can explain the impacts of nationalism and revolutionary movements.

Soundtrack: "Say It Right" by Nelly Furtado. Selected for today because of the quiz in class, and being able to write the correct answers! Lyrics here.

AGENDA 3/4/16:
News Brief - Koby
Create Posters

Homework: Read the blog! Finish propaganda poster (due next class). Marian has the next news brief.
News Brief: The news brief article for today was brought in by Koby, who selected this article to talk about: - El Chapo claims unbearable conditions, calls for extradition ASAP. We found Mexico on our world map packets and talked about what extradition is, and why El Chapo might want to be extradited here. Thanks, Koby!

Marian, you are up for next class.

Next, we had a discussion about the presidential nomination process, including a recap of what happened on "Super Tuesday." I showed this website about the delegates needed to become the nominee for president: - Who's On Track For The Nomination?

We also watched the one minute BBC World News update. Here's the link to see the latest one minute update, at any time of day (it will probably be different from what we watched in class):

Quiz: After the news brief, we took the Russian Revolution vocabulary quiz. I'm not going to recap the quiz itself, other than to say that I hope everyone did well. If you were following along during the presentation and did your homework to review, I'm sure you were fine.

Propaganda: The next part of class was devoted to checking out some examples of Soviet Union propaganda (it is nice that you already knew what propaganda meant from studying Rwanda and from Mr. Puterbaugh's class about persuasion) and filling out a worksheet with each slide, then creating your own example on the back. To introduce this section, I played this video from my mom's last campaign:


My mom rocks. :-)

Here is the presentation on Russian Revolution propaganda, if you missed class, or need to complete your worksheet:

Here is the worksheet that goes along with the presentation:

After viewing all of the slides and filling out the worksheet, I gave the class this assignment: 

On the back side of the propaganda poster worksheet, you are creating your OWN Russian poster. Please use at least two symbols. Try to connect to at least one of the vocabulary words. You do not have to use Russian. Use a English caption, please.

Create Posters: The rest of class was devoted to creating the Russian Revolution propaganda posters, to emphasize the connection between persuasion and the revolution. These will be due at the start of next class.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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