Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Government, Day 6 - Class Recap

My dad took this photo of me at a "Turkey Bowl" on Thanksgiving, in 2011. I hope you enjoyed your break!

Hello everyone,

Welcome back from your Thanksgiving break! Thanks for doing your homework and checking in on the blog to see what we are up to. Here's what should have happened in class today (I was out at a district wide professional development conference):

Learning Targets:
Knowledge LT 17: I can explain how and why world societies organize themselves and how power is established and maintained.
Communication LT 1: I can communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing.

Soundtrack: _____ (silence - sorry!)

AGENDA 12/1/15:
News Brief – Andrew G
Lost! Activity
Work Time

Homework: Read the blog. Complete any missing work and have it ready to turn in. See the back wall or StudentVUE for updated grades! Next news brief: Jessica A.

News Brief: Andrew had the news brief today and hopefully remembered to do it. :-)

Hopefully someone else was selected to do the next news brief. Update: apparently it was Jessica!

Lost! Activity/Present: I really wish I was in class for this! It was pretty funny to listen to the group leaders, laws, punishments, and priorities in the other classes, so I know yours was similar.

Thanks for your participation in this! It was hopefully a fun way to review what we learned during the government unit. This should have taken most of the class.

Work Time: The rest of the time in class was supposed to be work time on any missing work that needed to be revised or turned in. I'm sure everyone was good for the sub, so thank you! I will be back tomorrow (Wednesday), so see you then! :-)


  1. Hi, Mr. Fritz I just have a small question: Is Global Studies the same thing as World History

    1. Hi Former "A" Student! Yes, Global Studies is essentially the same as World History. Some of the learning targets might be different at different schools, but that is the equivalent course. I hope this helps!


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