Thursday, September 24, 2015

Geography, Day 4 - Class Recap

My friend Ryan and I, on a mountain looking over Bogota, Colombia in 2009. We had our South America map quiz today in class, which included Colombia!

Hi wonderful students,

Great to see you all again today! It was a quiz and work day in class. Here's what happened today:

Learning Targets:
Knowledge LT 6: I can demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of locations and regions.
Knowledge LT 7: I can demonstrate the ability to use geographic tools.

Soundtrack: "Tom Sawyer" by Rush. Selected for today because it was one of my dad's favorite songs, and he was killed one year ago today. Thank you, everyone, for being so kind and understanding that this was a very difficult day for me. Lyrics here. Memorial tribute that I wrote last year and delivered at my dad's memorial is here (it talks a little about Tom Sawyer).

AGENDA 9/24/15:
News Brief – Lauren
SA Map Quiz
Atlas/Map Work

Homework: Read the blog. Finish Oceania map (colored and labeled) for the quiz next class. Next news brief: Kaleb.

News Brief: Lauren had the news brief today and selected this story to talk about: - Egypt releases Al Jazeera journalists Fahmy and Mohamed. We found Egypt on our world maps and talked about the revolution there, the chaotic government, and what a presidential pardon is. Thanks, Lauren!

Kaleb was randomly selected as the next person to do a news brief.

We also had a good check in about the weekend and life in general. Thanks, everyone!

SA Map Quiz: As promised, the first map quiz. This was for South America and it is probably the easiest map quiz of the six we will do. Hopefully, you understand the importance of having a completed map to use on the test, and of reading the blog! We corrected the quiz in class and I passed it out for students to see what they got, before collecting them to be returned for good next class.

Five Themes Work: This was the atlas work packet that we have been working on in class the last few days. This will be due at the end of the Geography unit (in about 3 classes, when we are done with each of the continents) and will count towards the assessment of a learning target. If you missed class, the packet is here (you need to work in class with the atlas in order to complete this):

Please keep at this in class and work hard to get it done!

Oceania: The last part of class was dedicated to labeling and coloring the Australia/Oceania section of the map packet, in order to be able to use it on the upcoming quiz next class. This is much tougher than the South America quiz, so be ready! For checking the blog, here's a question from the quiz: This is the northernmost country in Oceania, with U.S. territories to the west and east. If you are missing your map packet and know you need to have it done, please print out another and have it ready to go for next class:

Again, mostly a work day today. Thanks for your focus today. See you next class!

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