Thursday, March 19, 2015

Historical Investigation, Day 3 - Class Recap

My Spring Break is full of 18,841 miles worth of flying! Portland to Seattle to Dubai to Delhi, India to Kathmandu, Nepal. Plus various activities on the ground in those places, too. This was from the $400 round trip ticket to India that I bought last October. It will be a fun adventure! If you want, follow along on Twitter and/or Instagram!

Hi everyone,

Welcome to Spring Break! Remember that you definitely have at least some work (let's put it at like two hours) to do before I see you again. Here's what we did in the last class before the break:

Learning Targets: 
Knowledge LT 20: I can explain the impacts of nationalism and revolutionary movements.
Communication LT 3: I can effectively use the conventions of writing.
Research LT 1: I can develop and refine a research question or topic.
Research LT 3: I can responsibly and accurately cite sources.
Critical Thinking LT 2: I can explain connections between events, issues, problems and concepts.

Soundtrack: "Roam" by The B-52's. Selected for today because of my encouragement to explore the world around you, even if you are staying at home during Spring Break! Lyrics here.

AGENDA 3/20/15:
News Brief - Nick
Spring Break
Part B, Explained

Homework: Read the blog! Please work on Part B - researching your historical investigation! 2-3 pages will be due on the second class after break! Have a great and safe Spring Break!
News Brief: Nick had the news brief today and selected this article to talk about: - Yemen: 120 killed in 2 mosque attacks in capital. This was a breaking news story from this morning. I commented on the fact that I will be in the same region (in Dubai) on Sunday night!

We also watched VICE News for the day, before moving on.

There is no assigned news brief for the class right after break - it would be difficult to remember, I think.

Spring Break: I wanted to check in and see what everyone was looking forward to as far as Spring Break. I have been particularly looking forward to this Spring Break for a long time. It should be a really fun one! That said, if I expect you to work, I will also be here for you in answering emails and comments when I can!

Part B, Explained: Before we headed over to the Computer Lab again, I went over the MLA citations guideline and how you should be citing your information that you find as part of your investigation. Here is the paper that I passed out in class: MLA citation guide - 7th edition. Every source that you use for your project should fit into one of those categories on the second page. That is what you are adding to your bibliography (Part E) as you go along.

Finally, for Part B - the Summary of Evidence, here are the two documents you will need to look at as your are researching over the break. Feel free to download and print them out during class, study hall, or after school:

That document will help you with understanding what Part B is all about. Remember, Part B (which is 2-3 pages) is due for Period 2 on Thursday, April 2nd - the week we get back. It is very important that you get a good start on this.

To help with Part B, here is the second document - a template for filling out as you find good sources of information that relate to your research question:

This is a nice and easy way to complete Part B. Remember that you need to have at least four sources (so you could fill out this document four different times, if you wanted) - a maximum of three can be electronic sources. Again, no Wikipedia - the source has to be reliable information.

A GREAT way to find good, reliable information is through a search on Google Scholar, which looks through academic articles (make sure you aren't using a book review as a source, though).

Another way to find good academic sources is through the Westview Library's Power Search option (the second link in the middle). Remember, if you are researching at home, the login information for this is:
username = beaverton
password = oslis

If you want to see what a possible final product looks like, here is an example paper:

I know this is a LOT to take in. Please let me know how I can help better explain what you need to do. I will respond, even in India, if I have WiFi! :-)

Library: After explaining all of this, we headed over to the library to work. At this point, you really need to have Part A done, and an idea for what you need to do for Part B over break - again, this could just be a couple of hours of work.

Have a wonderful and safe Spring Break! See you on March 30th, when we will also be going to see the Holocaust survivors come speak during 7th Period! Make sure to check in if you have any questions or comments! I know this is quite a lot of information, all at once. I am here to help at almost any time! :-)


  1. Do you know the password and username for the World Book Online for the Beaverton School District? It's not beaverton/oslis

    1. Hi there!

      Thanks for working on your Historical Investigation! This document contains all of the login information I have. I'm not sure if World Book (an encyclopedia) is all that good or interesting as a source, though!

  2. Ok thanks! I have looked for book sources but haven't found anything good yet, so this was a last resort!

    1. Just use the books in the Westview library! We will be going on Tuesday, I believe. Also, Google Scholar often results in books, too.

  3. On the requirements for the historical investigation part b it says that we don't analyze the quotes? By this do you mean we add no commentary? Would you be able to state what the quote is saying and explain it to add some depth to the paragraphs or just quotations? Thanks!

    1. Hi Maddy,

      Yes, that is exactly what I mean. No commentary or analysis in Part B. You want to be careful to avoid the sense that it is just a list of facts/quotes, though. Look at the example I posted near the bottom of this blog entry! The first paragraph is Part A, then the next few pages are Part B. I hope this helps!

  4. I was using Google Scholar, and I found a book that I was going to use information from, but when making the citation I'm suppose to state what the database i got it from was. So what database would that be?

    1. Hi there,

      You would cite it as a book, not as from an online database. If you are missing information about the book for your citation, try searching the name on Amazon or another website that will say the publisher, etc. Thanks for continuing to work on this!


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