Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Period 2: Historical Investigation, Day 8 - Class Recap

An overview of the city of Boston, from the top of the Bunker Hill Monument. As I told the class today, I flew into or out of Boston a combined 53 times in 2011 as part of the JetBlue "Blue Pass" promotion. I took this picture on my last trip, before seeing Jay-Z and Kanye West in concert.

Hi everyone,

Only two more classes as your teacher! Plenty of work to do before then, so let's get to it.

Essential Questions: What brings people together? What tears people apart?

Soundtrack: "More Than A Feeling" by Boston. Selected for today because of the obvious connection of the band name to the bombings in Boston. Lyrics here.

AGENDA 4/17/13:
News Brief
Rough Draft Peer Review
Finish Understanding Afghanistan
Reasons for War

Homework: ***FINAL draft of Historical Investigation due next class – printed and ready to turn in with the grading rubric stapled to the front (no work in class on it)!*** Study for Middle East map quiz.

Next news brief: Cindy O., Steve, Evita, Ian
News Brief: The news article brought in today by both Chris and Cindy N. was this: - 4-year-old bird flu 'carrier' worries China.

The obvious big news from the top of the class was about the bombs in Boston, so I went over everything that is known so far and what we don't know and are total guesses. I talked about the bad information that flies all over the place immediately after events like this, and how this may or may not be connected to what we are learning about in class.

Rough Draft Peer Review: After the more lengthy than usual news brief, we moved on to reviewing the historical investigation rough drafts. As I told the class, this is a BIG deal. If you had an A in the class and do not turn this in next class, you will have a D at the very highest until it is turned in and complete.

Here is the peer review form that I passed out during class. Please remember that this is a general guide for what to look for - I am specifically grading on the rubric:

If you missed class, or wanted to see for yourself the absolute basics of what you need to do, please check out that form.

Finish Understanding Afghanistan: After devoting a fair amount of time to reviewing (and worryingly, many students still seemed to have a lot of the historical investigation missing), I moved on to finishing up the PowerPoint we started last class. If you missed class, or I went too fast, here it is to check out again:

Remember that I will be using some of this information for the Jeopardy game we will play during my last class as your teacher, next week. Mrs. DeFrance Gilman also might use it in her lessons for you in the future.

Reasons for War: At the end of class, we ran out of time to really get into this section fully, but we did get to talk a bit about why the United States invaded Iraq in 2002. Next class, we will come back to this and wrap it up, before I give you the rest of the period to study for the Middle East map quiz (I will give you a blank map to study from and the countries you will need to know).

Get your historical investigations reviewed, edited, and ready to turn in next class! Let me know how if you need help!


  1. Mr. Fritz, how long does part C of the Historical Investigation need to be?

  2. Hi there,

    The assignment sheet and peer review sheet that I passed out today both say "one page or more." :-)

  3. Haha oh okay! Thanks! :)

  4. Will we need to cite any information in part C and D?

  5. Hi there,

    If you are directly taking information and/or quotes from the sources, you always have to cite it. Part C and D should mostly be analysis of the evidence that relates to your research question, though - so you shouldn't be citing as much as you would in Part B.

  6. How would I cite something from a website with no author?
    -The title of the website....
    -Just: the title of the revolution....
    or something else.....

    Also for books, it's just the author and then the page number, right?

  7. For a website with no author and no page number (you should be careful about using these as sources, because a lot of times they have pretty shady information):

    ("Article/site name")

    So like:

    ("Causes of the Russian Revolution")

    If you have more than one website that has the same name, figure out a way to make it so they are different, by abbreviating.

    For books, yes: last name of author and then page number. So like:

    (Fritz 64)

  8. Thanks for the help!

    And by the way thanks for how quick your response was :)

  9. You are welcome! That's what the blog is for. Unfortunately, I'm now headed to bed in the hopes that my voice will get better with more rest. See you in the morning!


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