Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Period 2: Revolution! Day 6 - Class Recap

We talked today about Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez, who died yesterday. This is a picture of a sunset on the island of Aruba - right next to Venezuela. I remember seeing Chavez on TV there, when I visited in 2011!

Dear class,

Another good day, in my estimation! I have not looked at the majority of the quizzes yet - I hope that you did well! I should be able to get them back to you next class. Here's what we did today:

Essential Questions: What brings people together? What tears people apart?

Soundtrack: “Mother Russia” by Renaissance. Chosen for today because of the obvious connection to what we are learning about. Also, Renaissance is a really great band. Lyrics here. A little more about the composition of the song here.

AGENDA 3/6/13:
News Brief
Pop Quiz, Hotshot
Make Up Work

Homework: Read the blog! Nick B. has the next news brief.
News Brief: Jessica brought in the news brief for today. The one and only time I will allow a news brief to be about the United States! I noted that I hoped you were able to find the US on a world map, and that studies have found that people are really awful at geography. Here is an article about that, from 2006: - Study: Geography Greek to young Americans.

Anyway, this is the article that Jessica chose to bring in: - TSA to allow small knives, bats, and clubs on planes. I talked about my personal distaste for the TSA (a definite example of bias) and showed the official TSA website regulations with the update.

We also talked about Hugo Chavez dying and the story of a Portland man being arrested in connection to a 2009 suicide bomber in Pakistan: - FBI: Portland man connected to '09 Pakistan suicide attack.

Plenty going on in the world!

Pop Quiz, Hotshot: After the news brief, I gave the class a few minutes to study up for the Russian Revolution vocab quiz, as I passed back your forced choice reflections. Your updated grades are posted by student ID number on the board. No excuses for you to not know exactly what you need to do by Friday to get your grade up for progress reports!

I'm not going to recap the quiz itself, other than to say that I hope everyone did well. If you were following along during the presentation and did your homework to review, I'm sure you were fine.

OPVL: After the quiz, I introduced a new way to think about various different documents in history. I used the textbook as an example, along with three articles that I read about Hugo Chavez last night. OPVL stands for Origin, Purpose, Value, and Limitation. Your assignment was to take the paper I handed out in class and go through the four documents on each side of the room to assess them. If you missed class, or needed to complete this outside of class, here are the links to both the OPVL sheet and the documents I posted:

Let me know if this assignment is at all unclear. You will be turning this in as part of the Russian Revolution packet later, so please keep it with you or in your folder in class!

Make Up Work: We did not really have time to get to this. I was able to check in with most students that I am really worried about for progress reports. Please know what you need to turn in! I would be happy to help. Post a comment here or email me!

See you on Friday!

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