Thursday, February 7, 2013

Period 2: World War I, Day 6 - Class Recap

The now famous ball of yarn.

Dear class,

I really loved today! I was so happy with the ball of yarn activity (especially as it took way too long yesterday). I had thought about how to do it differently all day and I was super pleased with the results. I also loved the energy for the country quiz. I hope the peer review was helpful for you, too. On with the recap:

Essential Question: Why do wars happen?

Soundtrack: "We Belong Together" by Mariah Carey. Picked for today because of the yarn activity. Lyrics here.

AGENDA 2/7/13
News Brief
Class Unity Activity
Peer Review
Country Quiz

Homework: Read the blog!
News Brief: Colton had the news brief today and this was the article that he used: - Teams start assessing tsunami-hit Solomon Islands. We talked about the earthquake along the "ring of fire" in the Pacific Ocean, which started the tsunami. Thanks, Colton! Nana, you have the next news brief, please.

I also mentioned that part of England's Parliament voted to legalize gay marriage there (it is not legal yet, though - there are still more steps to the process). - UK lawmakers approve same-sex marriage in first vote. This is obviously a big issue here in the US as well. I noted that the US Supreme Court will likely have something to say about it later this year. Someone in one of my classes today asked if gay marriage was legal in Canada. The answer is yes - it has been since 2005.

Class Unity Activity: I really enjoy doing this with my classes. First, I think it is cool to get the web of connections. Two, we are all connected to each other in some way! Three, it is the job of the class community to help pick people up who are falling down! I really appreciated your effort here. Both the outside and inside circles did really well at being respectful and listening to each other. If you missed class, I asked students to say their name and how their family came to America/Portland. 

Peer Review: The main thing is just to help you prepare for the in class final essay for the unit, where I will have you be writing a very similar essay. This whole process was to make you feel ready for that (possibly next week). I will check off to see that you had the rough draft done, then return the essays to you next class. This was practice: next time, it will be the real thing.

Country Quiz: In about 13 minutes, the class was able to name 121 countries with on the online quiz. We will come back to this! Your class is currently in the lead. :-) I thought this was pretty fun. If you want to try yourself (try to beat 180/197 without cheating - what I got by myself earlier this week), here is the link: Sporcle Country Quiz.

I would love to hear thoughts, questions, or concerns about today's class, or any feedback at all. Post a comment - anonymously if you want. Have a great day - see you on Friday!


  1. What? I have the next news brief?

  2. Thanks for a fun class Mr. Fritz! Now I know where to move! :D

  3. Nana - yes please! Sorry that I forgot to assign it in class. I knew that you are a good student and would check the blog, though! So yes, on Monday, bring in an article please (or send one to me to print). Thank you so much!


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