Thursday, April 30, 2009

Period 2: Turmoil in the Middle East, Day 11 - Class Recap

Independence Hall, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The founders of our country debated here to create the Constitution! Picture by Mr. Fritz, May 23, 2008.

Dear Period 2,

A very lively day today, I thought. Lots of conversation and debate, as I expected. Hopefully everyone is getting a really clear picture of the skills we are developing through studying the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. There is definitely a lot to it! Let's get the recap started!

Essential Questions: In what ways are cultures and countries interconnected? What are the factors to consider in the development of a Palestinian state?

Soundtrack: "Talk" by Coldplay. Lyrics here. Picked because it is a great song for talking and debating, as we did in class today.

AGENDA 4/30/09:
News Brief
Comprehending the Debate
Project Work

Homework: Continue to work on final project (bring in materials next class). Watch the Blazers game! Read recap on blog!

Everyone should have signed up on the "letter of intent" sheet. Basically, I wanted to see what you were thinking. Next class (on Monday), bring anything that you need to help create the final project. If you are doing a skit, bring ideas for dialogue. If you are doing a collage, bring pictures, etc. Be working on this outside of class! How are you going to incorporate all of these different aspects of the conflict that we have been talking about?

The Blazers play tonight in Houston at 6:30, on KGW (ch. 8) and TNT. Win or lose, we will be coming home. The only difference is if we lose, we are coming home and not playing again until next season. Hopefully that does not happen!

News Brief: Ariel brought in this news article to talk about: - North Korea demands apology, threatens nuke test. Ahh, North Korea. I asked the class if North Korea scares you, and a few of you said yes. I pointed out that the people of North Korea recently (in 2000) have had such food shortages that some of the people have turned to eating tree bark. That article can be found here: - UN warns of North Korea food crisis.

I think it was Iris that asked about the United Nations, and how the Security Council works. We talked about this a little bit when you were doing the Rwanda speeches, but here is a good overview of how it works: Wikipedia - U.N. Security Council.

Finally, I mentioned the gigantic floating plastic garbage island in the Pacific Ocean. Here's what I was talking about: Wikipedia - Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Please check out the links to sources in that article (and in any other Wikipedia entry). An area twice the size of Texas, of our junk! More than ever, it is important to recycle!

Thanks for bringing in that article Ariel! Diana, you are up for next class, on Monday. One article, about anything currently going on outside the United States.

Comprehending the Debate: At this point in class, I asked everyone to think of something to debate (since I had arranged the room with two desks facing each other). We decided on debating dogs vs. cats first, as a warm up, as we brainstormed all of the reasons for each side. I had you debate one side, then go to the other. After that, we debated the death penalty, using a handy sheet in your packet. The sheet was made using the amazingly interesting and helpful website. The page on the death penalty can be found here, while the "1 Minute Overview" that we used in class can be found here.

To begin, I told everyone facing the windows to argue the "Pro" position, while everyone facing the hall was "Con." We debated for about three minutes. I think it was a great start. I then turned the tables and had everyone had to debate the side that they were just arguing against.

Then, we argued another issue, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict! The page for this debate can be found here (that would definitely be a good website to look over for your project, if you have time), and the "1 Minute Overview" that we used in class can be found here.

After this, I asked why we would do the debate in class. I really liked the responses! Empathy, perspective, comprehending what the issue is - all of it. We debated both sides of the table for three minutes each, and then came back together to write down some of the aspects of both sides. Using this list, I had you do a five minute response to the questions in your skills packet. Remember to keep this handy! It will definitely help you in writing your paper, and you do need to turn it in as well!

Project Work: So again, how the heck are you going to get these two groups of people that have historically completely disagreed with each other, to sit down and realize that they do, in fact, have things in common and should work towards peace? I am hearing some really excellent ideas out there. Basically, I want you to utilize your talents! Are you a good artist? How about an athlete? We have talked a lot about the different things that connect countries and cultures. What do you think connects you to well to other people? I really want you to get in to this assignment!

We set the due date of next Wednesday, 5/6 for the project. We will be doing presentations in front of the class. As you know, my main worry with this is that the presentations are boring. However, with this assignment in particular, there should be no way that you do not feel at least somewhat passionate about what you are doing. Hopefully that will translate.

Please be excited about this, and bring material to work on to class on Thursday! We will devote almost the entire time to working on this!

After moving the desks and setting the due date, I showed you the JDCL (the first letters of my group of friends) "Wanna be a G" video. No, I am not going to put it online for you to see. Can I interest you in my highlight video from football in high school? ;-)


Thanks for the fun day! Please keep working on your projects and papers over the weekend and come ready to finish them up on Monday! Have a great afternoon! Go Blazers! Also, regardless of the outcome, The Office will make you laugh and smile, on NBC at 9:00 PM. See you next week! :-)


  1. Hey i checked the blog as i told you i was. I cant read it all but il read it later.

  2. Hey there!
    So for the big project, I decided to do nature pictures because there is nature all over the world! But the only problem is, I did a slide show on a program called keynote and I'm pretty sure it only runs on macs. Would I have to bring in my own lap top to show it?

    Thanks :)

  3. Mary,

    I actually had this issue with someone in my class. You can convert the Keynote file into a PowerPoint file, right from the Mac! Just go to "File" then "Export" and PowerPoint should be an option.


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